RFP Toolkit: The Digital Workplace

Building a framework for a Digital Workplace in your organization? We’ve built a comprehensive toolkit of guidelines and templates to help make it easy for you.

Download this toolkit and craft your organization’s story with:

  • Digital Workplace Pitch Deck – share with your leadership team why a people-empowered, mobile-first approach will lead to supercharged productivity.
  • Business Case Template – capture the data and quantify the value a digital workplace can bring to your organization.
  • RFP Steps Infographic – we’ve outlined the standard phases, activities and deliverables you’ll want to consider for building and executing an RFP.
  • RFP Checklist – this comprehensive checklist will save you time and focus your organization on the most important criteria to consider when vetting vendors.
  • Project Scope Template – an easy to follow guide so stakeholders can understand the scope of the project and the work required to complete it.
  • Business Requirements Document – defines how your chosen solution should meet your objectives and shines a light on the factors that could influence your project.
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