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BMC AMI DevX Total Test 20.x: Advanced Automated Testing (WBT)

BMC AMI DevX Total Test (formerly known as BMC Compuware Topaz for Total Test) is an automated testing solution that enables developers and testers to test mainframe programs and subprograms after updating a piece of code. BMC AMI DevX Total Test facilitates automated virtualized and non-virtualized testing by allowing virtualization of the environments and external data sources.

This course teaches you how to customize JCL for specific projects using Total Test, test more efficiently using Code Debug, adjust test scenarios to program changes, and structure tests.

This web-based course helps learners understand the SOAP element, Rest Service element, Performance Test Playback element, and Data Studio element. You will also learn how to customize, import, and export a Team Profile.

Major release:

BMC AMI DevX 20.x

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Course Delivery:

Web Based Training (WBT) | 3 Stunden

Course Modules