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BMC Discovery 21.x: Fundamentals Administering (ASP)

BMC Discovery is a datacenter discovery solution that automatically discovers datacenter inventory, configuration and relationship data, and maps applications to the IT infrastructure. BMC Discovery establishes the foundation for improving IT processes and productivity by providing timely and actionable insight to make informed decisions in IT service management, asset management and infrastructure/operations management.

This course provides information on the key concepts and core functionality of BMC Discovery. The course covers new features and improvements made to BMC Discovery. Participants will receive all important information on architecture, functionalities, utilities, configurations, and troubleshooting tips for optimal deployment.

Major release:

BMC (Helix) Discovery 21.x

Good for:


Course Delivery:

Assisted Self Paced (ASP) | 40 Stunden

Course Modules

  • Discovery Investigation and Troubleshooting
    • Investigating and Troubleshooting per Discovery Run
    • Investigating and Troubleshooting per Discovery Access
    • Mapping Discovery Access Page to Platform Page
    • Investigating and Troubleshooting per Host Node
    • Investigating and Troubleshooting from the Discovery Dashboard
    • Discovery Conditions
    • Discovery Reports