Control-M 21.x: Fundamentals Operating
This instructor-led training helps participants to understand how to monitor job workflows and identify potential issues in the workflows in Control-M GUI and Control-M Web interfaces. The topics covered are identifying job definitions and dependencies, using Viewpoints to monitor active jobs and perform necessary job actions, monitoring Services and Alerts, and creating reports in Control-M.
Major release:
Control-M 21.x
Recommended Prerequisites:
Good for:
Operators, Schedulers, Administrators, Consultant
Course Delivery:
Instructor-Led Training (ILT) | 8 Stunden
Course Modules
Control-M Concepts
- Explain the Control-M architecture
- Explain the key Control-M concepts
- Discuss the Control-M user roles and their key responsibilities
- Describe the purpose of the Monitoring domain
- Explain active job statuses and symbols
- Explain the purpose of viewpoints
- Manage a viewpoint
- Manage a private viewpoint
- Manage an archived viewpoint
- Define a Service
- Explain how SLA Management monitors and manages Service Level Agreements
- Explain about access and use of Services and Service Monitor windows
- Explain running a Service
Job Details and Actions
- Describe how to find a job within a viewpoint
- Explain and use the Job Search and Advanced Find tools
- Explain and use the Neighborhood tool
- Explain how to access job details from the Properties Pane
- Describe how to perform job actions
- Access the Alerts window
- Describe the life cycle of an alert
- Update an alert
- Update the status of an alert
- View the job or folder that created the alert
- Sort and filter the Alerts window
- List and manage the job prerequisites
- Explain the order of precedence for prerequisites
- Describe the purpose and use of Lock (Control) Resources, Resource Pools (Quantitative Resources) and Workload Policies
- Explain how to access the Lock Resources and Resource Pool windows
- Manage a Resource Pool
- Explain how to access the Workload Policies Monitor window
- Describe how to specify an order of precedence for jobs and folders