BMC Mainframe: z/OS Communications Server Part 1 - Implementing an APPN Network using SNA/VTAM
The course is developed and delivered by © RSM Technology.
This newly revised four-day course is the first part of the definitive z/OS Communications Server training programme. It is an essential requirement for all personnel working in or with an SNA (APPN and SubArea) network. This in-depth course introduces and explains the concepts, terminology and configuration of SNA, VTAM and APPN. Emphasis is placed upon, but is not limited to, VTAM implementations of SNA in both an APPN and SubArea Network. Additionally, APPC is explained in detail. The course also teaches how to define the network in order to optimize response time and throughput, especially in a Parallel Sysplex.
Please note that this is a highly practical course where each student will have their own VTAM/APPN Network.
Major release:
BMC Mainframe Infrastructure Platform Training
Good for:
Operators, System Programmers, Users
Course Delivery:
Instructor-Led Training (ILT) | 32 Stunden
Course Modules
SNA - Introduction
- What is SNA?
- Pre-SNA networks
- SNA hardware and software
- SNA elements
- Sessions
- SNA layers
- SNA message units
- Session establishment sequence
- Why APPN?
- APPN node types
- Resource registration
- Resource location
- LU-LU session activation
- Locating resources
Console Commands
- The START command
- The DISPLAY command
- The VARY command
- The MODIFY command
- The HALT command
Network Addressable Units
- SNA Network Addressable Units (NAUs)
- SSCP/CP functions
- PU types
- Message flow
- Address awareness
- Subarea network addresses
- APPN network address
- Local addresses
- Address conversion
SNA Sessions
- Sessions and half-sessions
- Half session layers
- Session types
- Setup flows
- Initiation sequences
- Logon request processing
- LU-LU session types
APPN/HPR Concepts
- Introduction to APPN
- APPN protocol
- Base and Towers
- SNA layer model
- Why APPC?
- APPC LU differences
- Route calculation
- APPN Class Of Service
- APPN COS definition in VTAM
- Transmission groups
- Channel to Channel Adapters
- Cross domain logon processing
- PU Type 2.1
- The Address Space Manager
- APPN and the Boundary Function
- Link Stations
- APPN Node Services
APPN/HPR Topology
- Topology Database - Part One
- Learning of Topology
- Topology Database - Part Two
- Topology Database - Part Three
- Garbage Collection
- HPR overview
- The High Performance pouting principle
- Rapid Transport Protocol
- RTP Route Recovery
- APPN/HPR options
- Adaptive rate based pacing
- HPR only links
Network Installation and Definition
- Network planning
- Network installation
- MVS installation considerations
- VM installation considerations
- Network related datasets
- VTAM start procedure
- Structure of SYS1.VTAMLST
- The ATCSTR00 member of SYS1.VTAMLST
- The ATCCON00 member of SYS1.VTAMLST
- Network definition - major & minor nodes
VTAM and APPN Resources
- Applications and local terminals
- Application programs
- Local terminals
- VTAM and application programs
- The Application Major Node
- TSO session establishment
- VTAM and Local SNA terminals
- The Local SNA Major Node
- VTAM and Local non-SNA terminals
- The Local non-SNA Major Node
- The Application Major Node for TCP/IP
- OSAs, Hipersockets and Channel Attached Routes
- OSA diagnostic device
- QDIO and non-QDIO
- OSA Express CHPID definitions
- Adding an OSA Control Unit and device
- Adding OSAD device
- Hipersockets
- Hipersockets definition
- MTU sizes
- Channel Attached Routers and Servers
- Defining MPCPTP devices
- Defining MPCIPA devices
- Available TCP/IP commands
- The START and STOP commands
- The MODIFY command
- The DISPLAY command
- The VARY command
- The OBEYFILE command
- The NETSTAT and onetstat command
- NETSTAT command options
- Defining model major nodes for EE connections and RTP pipes
- Defining switched PUs for EE connections
User-Coded Tables
- Assembled Tables
- Unformatted System Services (USS) logon procedure
- Mode Tables
- USS Tables
- USSCMD macro format
- USSPARM macro format
- SNA/SCS message 10 example
- SNA character set
- Non-SNA/3270 message 10 example
APPN and VTAM Data Flow
- The Session Control Layers
- Session profiles
- Session level pacing (TC)
- Session level pacing example
- Adaptive session level pacing
- Request chaining (DFC)
- Bracketing (DFC)
- Send/Receive modes (DFC)
- Function Management Headers (PS)
- BIND request format
- LU6.2 negotiable BIND
- Negotiable BIND parameters
- Conversations and sessions
- Types of conversation
- Starting a conversation
- APPC Function Management Headers
- FMH-5 contents
- FMH-7 contents
- FMH-12 contents
- Generalised Data Stream
- Service Transaction Program GDS IDs
- Conversation message flows
- Major architectural verbs
- Implementation differences
- Sample APPC application
APPN Message Structures
- Message format and flow
- RU categories
- BIU structures
- Request header format
- Response header format
- Transmission header formats
- Additional TH fields
- FID conversion
- Introduction to VTAM trace
- Starting a trace Trace details
Enterprise Extender
- z/OS services for SNA traffic
- APPN parameters in startup options
- Implementation considerations
- TCP/IP implementation
- DYNAMICXCF & HiperSockets
- Modifications to TCP/IP profile
- Modifications to OSPF interface
- Proof of initialisation of IUTSAMEH
- VTAM implementation
- Defining the XCA HPRIP major node
- Defining model Major Nodes for EE connections and RTP pipes
- Defining switched PUs for EE connections
Using VTAM Generics and Multi Node Persistent Sessions
- What is sysplex?
- Not a new concept
- So what's new?
- 'Before' and 'after' sysplex
- XCF sysplex requirements
- Components of the XCF sysplex
- Server Time Protocol
- Clock synchronization techniques
- XCF sysplex definitions
- XCF sysplex services
- Signalling and Status Monitoring services
- Group services
- The parallel sysplex
- The parallel sysplex concept
- Couple Data Sets
- Planning CFRM - identification and structure size
- VTAM generic resources; TSO generic resources