HappySignals Oy
HappySignals Experience Management Platform helps enterprises to improve employee experiences with IT. HappySignals enables IT leaders to get real-time understanding of the experiences they are delivering to end-users across all IT services. Experience data helps IT leaders to make informed decisions that increase employee happiness and productivity. This shows the true value of IT, proving the business impact of a human-centric culture.

HappySignals Oy
HappySignals Experience Management Platform helps enterprises to improve employee experiences with IT. HappySignals enables IT leaders to get real-time understanding of the experiences they are delivering to end-users across all IT services. Experience data helps IT leaders to make informed decisions that increase employee happiness and productivity. This shows the true value of IT, proving the business impact of a human-centric culture.
- Product overview: https://www.happysignals.com/hubfs/1pager/HappySignals-ITXM-Platform_Apr2023.pdf
- Product video: https://www.happysignals.com/learning-center/how-does-happysignals-work
- The Practical Guide to XLAs: https://www.happysignals.com/the-practical-guide-to-experience-level-agreements-xlas