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Control-M 21.x: Fundamentals Administering (ASP)

This course provides instruction and hands-on practice in administration and customization options of the distributed systems Control-M solution. Control-M is a monitoring and management tool for the enterprise batch-scheduling environment. It allows users to manage job processing across all distributed systems platforms supported by instances of Control-M/Server and ControlM/Agent.

This course offers additional multilingual subtitles/closed captioning (cc), generated using an Artificial Intelligence translation tool, in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Major release:

Control-M 21.x

Good for:

Administrators, Consultant

Course Delivery:

Assisted Self Paced (ASP) | 32 Stunden

Course Modules

  • Architecture and Components
    • Describe the Control-M architecture
    • State the purpose of each component in the Control-M architecture
    • Explain the different Control-M/EM components
    • List the different Control-M interfaces
    • Access the Control-M interfaces
  • Configuring the Control-M/Enterprise Manager
    • Configure exception and usage alerts
    • Implement and configure SNMP communication
    • Configure EM System Parameters
    • Configure Exception and Usage Alerts
    • Implement and configure SNMP communication
  • Using the Automation API Config Service
    • Explain Control-M/EM Security
    • Explain Control-M Users and Roles
    • Create Control-M Users and Roles
    • Configure External Authentication using IdP and LDAP
    • Configure Password Rules
    • Configure Emergency Users
    • Change the Control-M/EM DBO Password
  • Control-M/Agent Security
    • Administer Control-M/Agent security in Windows:
      • Configure Windows Local Security Policies
      • Change the Control-M/Agent Windows Service account
      • Understand and use the Logon As parameter
    • Administer Control-M/Agent security on Linux/UNIX:
      • Understand and use non-root mode
      • Understand and use root mode
      • Understand and use sudo mode
    • Explain Agent connection modes
    • Define and configure Host Groups
    • Define Host Restrictions
  • Remote Hosts and Application Plug-Ins
    • Describe the benefits of enabling agentless job execution
    • Implement agentless job execution
    • Describe the purpose of Control-M Application Plug-ins
    • Explain the relationship between the Control-M/Agent and Control-M
    • Application Plug-ins
    • Install and configure Control-M Application Plug-ins
  • Database Backup and Management
    • Perform job version management
    • Perform database maintenance actions
    • Backup and restore the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases
  • Troubleshooting Control-M
    • Troubleshoot the Control-M components
    • Access and use the BMC Knowledge Base to research issues and fixes
    • Access Control-M user communities
    • Use BMC Support to identify and correct issues
    • Download and use product documentation
    • Log support issues
  • Addendum - Control-M Web
    • List the functionalities in the Configuration domain
    • Add an Agent
    • Configure Agent Parameters
    • Create a Host Group
    • Configure Agent System Parameters
    • Add a Run as User
    • Create a Centralized Connection Profile
    • Convert to a Centralized Connection Profile